Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I thought for sure it was Colonel Mustard...

Well, someone is getting a raise at Vanity Fair. The great mystery that has puzzled us all for years appears to have been solved. The next question - why now?

Oh, I'm sorry, in case you missed it, the legendary "Deep Throat" has identified himself as 91 year-old W. Mark Felt. Mr. Felt was the number two guy at the F.B.I. during the Nixon administration and has kept his identity secret for more than 30 years since assisting Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in bringing down Nixon through a series of articles in the Washington Post.

The three men who were said to be the only ones who knew D.T.'s true identity, Woodward, Bernstein and Benjamin C. Bradlee, the Post's executive editor at the time, have all confirmed the accuracy of the Vanity Fair piece, written by John D. O'Connor.

"W. Mark Felt was 'Deep Throat' and helped us immeasurably in our Watergate coverage," according to a statement issued by Woodward and Bernstein.

Was the family paid for the story? O'Connor says no.


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